
lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2019

My first month at Salvador Allende.

Hello! My name is Holly Carter-Rich and I am the new language and cultural assistant for this school year at Salvador Allende. This is my first year in the auxiliar programme and I am learning so much and loving every bit. I am really enjoying living in Malaga and living by the beach, very different to my home in London! There is barely any rain- it is great!

My first month at Salvador Allende has been very busy but so rewarding. I have been welcomed with open arms into the school by all the students and staff, which has been so lovely to experience and I have really appreciated. Before my first day as the language assistant, I was lucky enough to be greeted by Gracia and have a tour of the school and meet some of the staff and students. This meant I could get a feel of the school and begin to adapt quickly. I instantly fell in love with the school because of the people, the art and the work, I definitely felt like it was my kind of place! And I keep loving it more and more every day.

I am very pleased that I get to work with each class and therefore can work in every year which is teaching me so much! Having to learn how to teach English and adapt my teaching style between the first grade and sixth grade has been really useful and really fun. This also means I get to work with lots of different teachers which is really great, and means I can learn about lots of different teaching styles etc. 

All the students at Salvador Allende are so wonderful and warm. I love that everywhere I go I get a wave, or a “Hi, Teacher Holly!” and sometimes even a hug. It is really great being able to chat with the students around the school and be able to interact with them when we are walking between lessons as well. We have done various different activities including singing and colouring activities about Halloween in Grade 1 to independent group work in Grade 4. I was also lucky enough to be able to be here for our amazing Halloween Party which I absolutely loved, it was so great to see them all in their costumes.

This year I am really looking forward to learning from all the teachers and being able to practice and improve my teaching style and my work in the classroom, as well as supporting them during classroom and group activities. I am also excited to be able to share traditions and things of cultural significance from the U.K with all the children and also be able to learn so much about Spain at the same time. I think it is going to be a great and beneficial experience for both. Thank you for all the help and support from the staff and student at Salvador Allende for my first month on the job and I can’t wait for our upcoming year. 

Holly Carter-Rich

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