It´s now April
and I´ve come so far!
The biggest change that I notice when thinking about how I
began this experience, and how I am feeling now, is my sense of comfort and
confidence in what I do here at the school. I came to be an assistant teacher,
and I now actually feel like I am assisting to teach these children, helping
them to learn not only the English language and science concepts, but about me,
Australian culture, and our strange accents!
I have learnt a lot in my time here so far, and I expect this
to continue all the way up until the last day. I am learning how to communicate
ideas to kids, of all levels of English, and of all different learning
capabilities. I am learning how to manage the classroom in a positive way, with
all sorts of personalities, trying all sorts of tactics. I am learning about
people, about different types of kids, different types of teachers, and about
the journey of education for the human being and how much we as teachers and
role models really impact a childs life. I am learning how to construct
worksheets, and cater them to the right level of ability. I am learning how to
make presentations to convey ideas and information to the students in a
straight-forward, entertaining and visually pleasing way. I am learning how to
teach concepts orally to a whole class and keep the students participating and
active in the questions and answers. I am learning many things, but one of the
most valuable things I have learnt is how to cleverly structure and simplify
ideas and language to communicate to others in a way they can relate to. This
is a skill I will take with me into all aspects of my life in the future.

I have enjoyed working with the different teachers, and have
been fascinated at observing each of their different styles. Each Monday we
have a team meeting with all of us to discuss the coming week´s work, and this
I really enjoy as it makes me feel organised and confident that the teachers
are able to get from me the help they need. Some ask me to stand before the
class and teach and explain the concepts of the topic, while some ask me to
read and explain tasks from the English textbook. Other teachers ask me to take
small groups of kids and work on reviewing the topic through discussion, while
others ask for my input in planning big art projects on the topic for the
class. The work I do in each class is different, and my relationship with the
students and the teacher varies because of this. I am enjoying very much the
close relationships that I am developing with some of the students, as at this
stage in my work experience at the school I can see each child as an individual
personality, and they see me the same. They give me a lot of love, which is
nice when your home is all the way on the other side of the world!

Overall, I am proud of the work that I am doing at the
school, and of all the things I am learning, about teaching and about myself. I
feel like I am part of a team here at the school, where my opinions and efforts
are valued and appreciated. As for the practical side of things, the whole
process has been problem-free. The school are very flexible, accomodating, and
friendly to me, with the expectations of me and my work always made very clear.
I expect to spend the remaining 2 months here continuing to learn about
teaching and communicating, and enjoying my abundant free time living the
Spanish life in a beautiful part of the
world here in Malaga.