I spent the year helping in lessons with
years 4, 5 and 6 in Natural and Social Science. My role in class was to give
the children a chance to practise English and get used to a native English
speaker. So, generally in lessons I read from the textbook and did vocabulary
and speaking activities with the children. Also, I often worked with a small
group of children at the back of the classroom, which personally I found was a
much better way of engaging with the children and allowing them all to
participate in activities.
I have some great memories from working at
the school, with some of my favourites being the Halloween celebrations, seeing
the year 6 Christmas play (a very impressive version of Dickens’s A Christmas Carol, all in English), sharing
my presentation about A British Christmas with the whole school, and working in
a year 5 lesson where they made their own model ecosystems.
It has been a fantastic experience working
at Salvador Allende, where I’ve learnt a lot, both personally and
professionally, and I will really miss working here.
Oh! Amy, it's been so easy to work with you, you've helped us so much and it's going to be impossible to find someone like you. That's the reason why we're seriously thinking of kidnapping you for next years... (take good care when you go out at night, we're watching you...)