domingo, 7 de febrero de 2021



This past month I have been working in 5A and 5B with teachers Pedro and Luis. I have been helping in both English and Natural Sciences.

In Natural Sciences, we learned about the layers of the Earth and the atmosphere, then we played a game of Jeopardy to revise the topic. Next, we learned about all of the different climates in Spain. Finally, we studied ecosystems. We did some activities about identifying different ecosystems, where they are located, and the types of flora and fauna found in each one. I also organised a lesson about the importance of food chains and maintaining balance in an ecosystem. We did a worksheet to practice the content and then played a video game about food chains.

In English lessons, we have been learning the past continuous tense. We have been doing lots of different exercises: listening activities, practicing writing sentences, and talking using the past continuous. There have been a lot of opportunities to practice speaking, and I have been able to have one-on-one conversations with all the students to help improve their spoken English. We have also been learning lots of new vocabulary. The material has been very complex and I am highly impressed with the level of English in year 5.

I have had a lot of fun working with year 5. I will miss everyone a lot and am sad to say goodbye, but I am also looking forward to my time with year 6.

Teacher Olivia

miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2021

El pensamiento científico


En cuarto, hemos incorporado a nuestras unidades el desarrollo de experimentos y el pensamiento científico.

Nuestro proceso comienza con una question, una duda, una pregunta de cuya respuesta no estamos seguros.

Así, proponemos un experimento. Antes de realizarlo, debemos hacer una investigación previa, ingredientes del pan, bacterias , virus, cambiará dependiendo del experimento.

Entonces, llega la hipótesis, una teoría que puede estar acertada o no y no pasa nada sí nos equivocamos, hemos aprendido que lo importante es pensar, observar y compartir nuestras conclusiones.

Aquí os mostramos nuestro último experimento, en la unidad de las hábitos saludables, hemos descubierto lo que esconden dentro las rebanadas de pan y que no es lo mismo comer una clase que otra.

Un saludo los tutores de cuarto